Wonder Woman

My words

My this series ” WONDER WOMAN ” dedicated to my Mom. My mom is very beautiful and strong woman. My mother has always been that figure in my life who I look up for courage and inspiration.


Dawn – Like the break of dawn, this lady in my painting displays calmness, stillness and noiselessness. She believes silence is a true friend who never betrays. Silence is often misunderstood as a symbol of weakness but it speaks volumes and sends a powerful message if you can hear the unspoken words.

Medium: Oil on Linen
Size: 18 X18 Inches
Year: 2019



Medium: Oil on Linen
Size: 18 X18 Inches
Year: 2019
Description : Power – She is bold enough to use her voice, brave enough to listen to her heart and strong enough to live the life she imagined. The eyes reflect a strong personality. She voices her opinions and is not afraid to speak her mind. Judgements from others do not bother her.

Dimensions of the artwork in Inches : 18 X18 Inches

Year : 2019


Title : Identity – Woman is the source of all strength. She is the best gift of the universe. She is a daughter, a sister, wife, mother but she also has an identity of her own which is often forgotten. She is a woman first and then everything else.
Medium: Oil on Linen
Size: 18 X18 Inches
Year: 2019

Dimensions of the artwork in Inches : 18 X18 Inches

Year : 2019



Medium: Oil on Linen
Size: 18 X18 Inches
Year: 2019

Description : Fearless – This painting takes inspiration from woman warriors. Time and again, they have proven to be brave, heroic, determined and no less than a male warrior. They exhibited great leadership skills and broke glass ceilings.
Fast forward to the year 2019, the scenario has changed – we no longer have “warriors” in a traditional sense but to this day, women are fighting fearlessly for their rights. This painting is a tribute to all those “female warriors” in various fields, be it in politics, science, blue and white collar jobs, armed forces, entertainment etc.

Dimensions of the artwork in Inches : 18 X18 Inches

Year : 2019

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Is this Imperfection???

Description : Is this Imperfection??? – We are expected to be “perfect” in this imperfect world. There is always a social stigma associated with our physical appearance – be slim, fair, tall , beautiful and ladylike. However, I believe that there is beauty in everyone. Embrace yourself the way you are. Love your imperfections.
Thank you Sir for your guidance and motivation .

Medium: Oil on Linen
Size: 18 X18 Inches
Year: 2019
